3 Tips for Memory Test Section of US Postal Exam 473
Date: July 6th, 2017
The postal exam 473 is an aptitude test that is required for all persons that are seeking United States postal service jobs. Passing the exam is required for everyone seeking entry-level clerical US postal jobs. The postal service exam does not test knowledge but seeks to find out if the applicant has the required skill for the postal service job.
One of the most challenging parts of the exam is the Coding and Memory section. The memory section has 36 questions that you have to answer in just seven minutes. Here we will share some tips that can help you in better preparing for this section of the exam.
1. Avoid Guessing Answers
When it comes to answering the questions, you shouldn’t second guess them. Avoid answering a question unless you are sure that you know the correct one. The reason is that the marks won’t be deducted for unanswered questions. However, marks will be deducted for wrong answers. You can potentially lower the score when you try to guesstimate the answer.
2. Sharpen Your Memory Skills
The questions in the memory section of the exam tests your ability to recall codes and numbers. This skill is tested as it helps save time when handling lots of mails. One of the things that you can to prepare for this section is to sharpen your memory skills. There are many techniques that you can use to improve your memory skills.
One way you can easily memorize items is by associating codes with something that you can easily recall. For instance, you can consider visualizing a 100-year old Bill Clinton when given codes like 100 Clinton Street. Also known as mnemonic technique, you can make any connection that you can remember and recall easily.
3. Focus on Healthy Diet and Exercise
A healthy mind requires a healthy mind. You should consider eating food items that have a beneficial effect on the mind. Some of the best food items for the brain include avocados, blueberries, broccoli, eggs, coconut oil, turmeric acid, walnuts, and wild salmon.
Apart from brain boosting food items, it’s also important that you carry on light exercise. Exercise helps improve heart health, reduce weight, and boost memory prowess. Light exercises such as walking, climbing stairs, or cycling everyday will promote improved oxygen circulation in the body that will enhance the memory.
In the end, you should prepare for the exam using study guides and mock test preparation. The more hours you put into preparing for the exam, the better you will perform during the actual test. A score in the range of 75 to 80 will greatly boost your chances of securing the highly lucrative postal service job and secure your future.