3 Best Resources for Postal Exam Preparation | Postal Exam Review
Date: November 22nd, 2016
Attractive salaries, premium benefits, simple requirements and various chances of career building are a few reasons due to which American people want to find a postal service job. However, to qualify for the position, candidates must appear in and pass a postal exam. This is where most of them start panicking.
Fear of failure, some unforeseeable emergency, lower scores, and flunking the postal exam are a few reasons that kill a person’s chance of ever getting a postal service job. However, there is a silver lining that many people fail to see—retaking the test. If applicants are really passionate about finding postal jobs, they should use this option of re-taking the postal exam. They can use help of good postal exam services for this purpose.
Requirements for a Postal Exam 473 Retake
Although getting another chance at the United States postal service jobs is, an amazing opportunity, but not everybody can avail it. There are a few pre-requisites that an applicant must fulfill if they are to go for a re-take of the postal exam 473. These are given below:
Did Not Appear
If a candidate failed to appear in the postal exam 473, then they can reapply for the same post and take the test again. This could be because of any emergency or due to the fear that they will fail the test. If they did not sit in the exam, their attempt is not counted, even if they had completed the application procedure.
However, they will have to consider the number of candidates that can apply for that particular post and check if there is space for more applicants first. Checking this will save a lot of time and energy of the potential candidates.
This option is only for those who have not appeared for the exams. They cannot re-take the test only because that had a lower score and want to improve it.
For a Different Post
In case an applicant appeared in the test but did not pass it, they can only re-take the test for a different post. They cannot apply for the same post and appear in the same test. This is a policy of the United State of Postal Service and it has to be followed.
Cancelling a Test Schedule
If an applicant finds out that they cannot appear for the test due to any reason, they can reschedule the test. However, they must inform the authorities at least 24-hours before the exam. If they fail to do so, they cannot cancel the test.
Procedure for Re-applying
The procedure for re -applying is the same as it is for applying for the first time. Go to the official website for the United States postal service jobs and search the database for the desired post. Follow the instructions and apply accordingly. Make sure that you are notified about the test date.
If an applicant’s score on the postal exam renders them ineligible, then according to the policy, they must wait for 120 days before re-taking the test.