Different Types of Deliveries Made by Mail Carrier
Date: September 14th, 2017
In the foundation days of postal services, the companywas only limited to deliver mails that were mostly hand written documents and letters. However with new discovery and inventions through the course of time, the nature of postal services has also changed and now mail carriers are not supposed to deliver only simple mails. The types of deliveries have become very diverse with time.Therefore,people who are interested in postal service jobs must know about those different types.
Personal Deliveries
This is the most common type of mail delivery that any mail carrier has to deliver. Personal deliveries are mostly delivered to residential addresses and they can contain letters, bills, greeting cards and various other items that have importance to the individuals to whom the mail is intended to be delivered. Most of the personal mails are not sent on urgent basis therefore mail carriers have enough amount of time in their hand to sort the respective mails.
Business Deliveries
Business deliveries are very common inbusiness world but for mail carriers they have to be at their best to successfully carry out the task of delivering business mails and deliveries. In most of the cases, these types of deliveries are made from business to business and in some cases from business and companies to different individuals.
Mail carriers who are assigned to deliver business mails are required to be vigilant with the delivery times because there are instances where some business operations are dependent on the deliverance of those mails on time.
International Services
Since USPS is the most cost effective courier service option to deliver the mails and parcels internationally, they provide their shipping services to more than 180 countries. These huge international operationsof USPS demands slightly different requirements for mail carriers who deal in international deliveries.
There are specific US postal office jobsthat only caters the international deliveries but to get those postal service jobs one must pass the basic postal exam.
Special Deliveries
All the mails and parcels that are categorized as special delivery are added with extra postage and they are required to deliver in lesser time than the standard or first class mail services. Since these type of deliveries are only unique due to theirshortest delivery time therefore mail carriers who are given the job to deliver special deliverers must be very active and punctual. Being lethargic and laid back attitude can’t help the mail carriers who are required to deliver those mails.
To successfully induct in any postal service job, the basic written test must be cleared by the aspirants. You can only choose the type of mail deliveriesyou want to make once you go through this test.