US postal jobs are one of the most sought after jobs in the country. Working for the US postal service (USPS)provides a lot of career growth opportunities.The USPS offers many programs for career employees to improve their job prospects. The career development programs create a learning environment that allows employees to gain skills that will prove invaluable in improving their career prospects.

A comprehensive multi-level program provides training to employees that meet high-performance criteria. The program prepares the employee for thesupervisory role and helps them to achieve their career goals.

Let's take a close look at five career development programs that are offered to career employees.

1. National Center for Employee Development (NCED)

National Center for Employee Development (NCED) program offers hands-on training to postal service employees. The program trains the employees in managing high tech postal equipment, mail processing equipment, and transport vehicles. The training is provided using live satellite broadcasts, computer-driven graphics course, audio tele-training, and the internet. The program equips critical job skills that will be required for advancing in the career.

2. New Supervisor Program

The New Supervisor Program (NSP) is a four months program. The program provides on the job learning that allows new supervisors to gain valuable practical experience. They learn new management skills that are related to planning, understanding, and organizing.

The participants learn about critical skills that will allow supervisors to effectively lead the people. The program provides training related to leadership and administration skills, including

  • team building
  • communication skills,
  • ethical conduct
  • maintenance operations
  • distribution operations
  • customer service

3. Managerial Leadership Skills

The managerial leadership skills offer a continuum of learning related to the managerial skills. The career training program allows a person to know how to influence critical operations and effectively manage the subordinates. It is a two-week program where the individual learns about interpersonal skills, technical skills such as Six Sigma, coaching skills, and effective communication skills. The employees also learn about team building skills and managing conflicts. The program is targeted for both field and headquarter employees. The training is provided to employees who have demonstrated managerial skills.

4. Advanced Leadership Program

The Advanced Leadership Program is a 3-week training course. The career development program focuses on business foundations covering essential information for being an effective leader. Topics covered in the program include strategy, finance, project management, personal development, and much more. The participants of the program are non-executives who have been identified to possess leadership skills.

5. Executive Leadership Program

The Executive Leadership Program is yet another career development program. The program offers an opportunity for the employees to learn about effective leadership skills. It focuses on developing the self, team, and the organization.

In conclusion, US postal service job offers a lot of career opportunities. To enter the workforce, you need to pass postal exam 473. Once you have passed the exam you can accelerate your way to the top by taking the career development training courses.