Why Work At The USPS If You Are An Artist?

For people who are ambitious enough and serious about getting a job that will earn them a good salary, post office jobs are your perfect choice if you are a US citizen or in possession of a valid Green Card. Provided you can pass the Postal exam, I would strongly advise you to apply for the Postal Office Employment. All you have to do is wait until they post vacant postal positions in their Unite States Postal Service eCareer site and then apply. After which, you will be scheduled for the 473 Battery Test. Why do we say it would be a perfect job for artists Simple: It is a people skills job, for people who have soft skills to handle other people. For example, if you are a mail carrier, you will be required to meet many different kinds of people every day, in and out of their homes. This is not the sort of job that a person who loves working with machines would love to do.

The postal exam 473 is based on creativity rather than facts

So, are you an artist either by profession or just talented? Well, if you answered yes, then you won’t have a hard time grabbing any of the postal jobs because this exam will be like a walkover for you. As an artist, you are better placed to pass the Postal exam 473 because it’s not based on knowledge but creativity. Secondly, the USPS always looks for people who can design the postal stamps. This is like a bonus to the artists because designing is what they know how to do best. Even if you will not get a chance to design the stamps yourself, your ideas will be of great value. During the festive seasons, the post office embarks on designing stamps that match the season. Therefore, you have a chance to show the world how great your work of art can be if you get employment with the USPS.

Soft skills over technical skills preferred for the USPS employees

In most cases, soft skills are preferred over technical skills when it comes to dealing with customers, which make the USPS an ideal job for you because you won’t start from scratch as you already have great communication skills and critical thinking as an artist. If you asked me, I would suggest that all postal carriers should be artists for them to deal perfectly with the challenges that do face them when they are at work such as dog attacks, unfavorable weather conditions and demanding customers. It would be easier for an artist to deal with such challenges, as they would use their creativity appropriately. USPS would inspire you more owing to the fact that they have a collection of great work of arts from all programs and the most famous artists. The Postal Fine Art Collection, which consists of works of art collected from many different sources, has been a great inspiration for many artists who used to work the USPS.