US postal jobs are a dream come true for every person. After clearing the postal exam 473, you must be thinking that you have crossed all barriers. Even the best jobs come with some nightmares, especially if you are a postal carrier. Every job in the world comes with some challenges. Following are some of the nightmares that haunt mail carriers:

1.Unsatisfied Customers

One of the biggest nightmares of postal carriers is dissatisfied customers. They are public servants and have to make sure that the people are satisfied with the service they provide. One of the main reasons for this fear is because the customers have the power to file a complaint against the postal carriers. And that can cost them their job. Another reason for this nightmare is that if they deliver the mail late or to the wrong address, the mail receipts get delayed. And the blame for this also falls upon the shoulders of postal carriers. That is why it is the job of every postal carrier to make sure they double check the address before delivering mail.


The postal job comes with responsibilities. It is easy to be happy when the sun is shining and the weather is warm, but that is not always the case. Comfort is important for everyone. But when you are working a US postal job, you have to brave through harsh weather to deliver mail. It can be pretty challenging to deliver mail in snow or rain, and the mail often gets delayed as well. And it is not just the rain and snow that cause inconvenience, but also the hot sun breathing down your neck.


Dogs may be a man’s best friend, but they are a postal carrier’s worst enemy. It is known that most dogs turn very violent towards the postal carriers, causing them to retreat. There have been multiple incidents where postal carriers sustained injuries after being a victim of a dog’s tantrum. Postal carriers are often reluctant to go to homes that house violent dogs.

4.Failure to Meet Deadlines

No matter what job you have, you have to keep up with the deadlines. And US postal jobs are the same. All the employees including the postal carriers have to make sure they keep up with their deadlines. The mail that they receive has to be delivered on a particular date. That can be troublesome for a postal carrier as they have to wait for the mail to get sorted first. Failure to deliver mail on time can be troublesome for them.

5.Automated Systems

Seems like everywhere we turn, we are surrounded by technology. And that is one of the nightmares of postal carriers. They fear that pretty soon the machines will replace them, leaving them out of a job. There are a few companies who are now using machines to sort their mail. If that idea catches on, that will mean less US postal jobs.