How Can You Improve Your Score When Applying for US Postal Jobs?
Date: May 28th, 2019
One thing that everyone knows about giving the Postal Exam 473 is that it is not only difficult to clear it, but your score does impact how soon you get called for the job. The results of the exam place you in a waiting list for US postal jobs, where people with higher scores are given more preference and priority over others.
For example: Suppose you give the postal exam and get a score of 80, but another person has a score of 86. In this case, the person with the score 86 will be called first for US postal jobs. Similarly, if someone else has a score of 90 or 96, they will be given preference over the other candidates.
Given this score-based hierarchy, many people often try to improve their scores, particularly when applying for US postal jobs which are either specialized or have a lot of competition. Additionally, if you are tired of being picked last, you can also try to improve your score so that you’re placed in a higher tier in the candidate’s list. If you’re wondering how you can improve your score, here’s what you need to do:
Retake the Test
This might make you balk a bit, but retaking the test is the only way that you can improve your score, particularly when applying for any jobs. This is the reason why you might see other people retaking the test so frequently, even if they pass.
Additionally, previous job experience or military duty, spousal status and more can also impact the kind of the points you get. If you have had a significant change in status which can positively impact your exam score, then it’s a good idea to give the test again.
Be Better Prepared
Once you have made up your mind to give the exam again, you need to start preparing actively for it. The better prepared you are, the higher are your chancesof scoring better. Based on when you last gave the exam, you might find that you’re not prepared for it anymore.
With time constraints, memory questions and answering in formats such as circling the mistakes and MCQ’s, it’s a good idea to use a study guide to answer complex questions with ease. A study guide is also useful for applying different answering strategies and seeing your results. While it can’t mimic the test room environment, it can give you a realistic idea of how to answer the questions within a given time limit.
Be Mindful of the Changed Score
Always remember that the new score you get from the exam will replace your previous one. This is usually a good thing but not if you already have a high score.
For example: Suppose you have a score of 80 from the exam and to increase your eligibility for US postal jobs, you decide to retake the test. Your goal might be to increase it to 86, but if you get a score of 78 or 76, this score will apply. So, you should really consider this decision with care.
At the end of the day, many people have found that re-taking the test is definitely worth it for them.