When you are giving the postal exam, one of the most challenging areas that you need to consider is the time restraints that you must deal with. In all, you are expected to answer 398 questions in 2.4 hours. This can be extremely difficult to manage, especially since you are in charge of handling your own time effectively.

If you waste your time, you will end up having to submit the postal exam incomplete. To improve your chances at passing the postal exam and getting everything done as quickly as possible, the following are some effective time management tricks that you can apply to the postal exam:

Breaking the Exam Down

It is a good idea to break down the exam into different sections so that you are able to focus on it with more attention to the time constraints. Lucky for you, the postal exam is already made up of different sections. The following is the breakdown of the exam:

  • Section A – Address Checking – 60 Questions – 11 minutes
  • Section B – Form Completion – 30 Questions – 30 minutes
  • Section C – Coding – 36 Questions – 6 minutes
  • Section C – Memory – 36 Questions – 7 minutes
  • Section D – Personal Characteristics – 236 Questions – 90 minutes

By paying attention to this, you will be able to ensure that you are not wasting your time when you are attempting this difficult exam.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

It is very easy to lose track of the time when you are attempting the exam but do not do that to yourself. Make sure that you are working consistently on your answers but also take some time to check the clock. If it feels like too much time has gone by, do not be afraid to check and make sure that you’re right on track.

However, try to avoid becoming too obsessed with keeping track of the time. You want to make sure that you are getting the work done. If you become distracted by keeping track of the time only, you are only going to waste more time.

Attempting What You Know

It’s a good idea to start the paper off by answering the easiest questions first or the ones that you know. To do this, make sure you read the question paper thoroughly and take the time to understand the rules and regulations. Failing to do so can mean that you are more likely to end up making mistakes.

Moreover, by answering the easy questions first, you also save more time to attempt the difficult questions of your exam. By doing so, you can maximize your productivity with ease.

Practicing with a Study Guide

When you’re trying out different time management tips and tricks, it is a good idea to use a study guide. This can be used to practice your techniques and get a more realistic idea of how you can apply the time management tricks that you’re going to be using.

This is one of the best ways that you can prepare for the postal exam and can ensure that you pass with flying colors!