What You need To Know Before You Sit The Post Office Exam
Date: January 23rd, 2016
Preparing To Pass The Post Office Exam
The Post office exam is very fundamental in getting a job at the post office. Just think of a job that earns you like 20 dollars per hour. It is a lucrative job that needs one to put some effort in studying and passing the exam. Here is the down low of what you need if you want to pass the exam.
Important tips of passing 473 test
The first thing is to understand that postal exam famously known as the 473 exam. The exam will check how you maneuver the knowledge of postal industry in the required time and how you can remember the coding of different streets. The exams are done electronically so you need first to get the test centre you will be doing the exam from and know the directions. Content is very important and you have to know the different sections of the test that include the address checking, forms completion, coding and memory. These sections are tested as they correlate with what the US postal service is all about. Filling forms, sorting them out and sending the mails to the recipients. Hence, you must be able to show that you can do these errands without a problem. The exams also have a section of life experiences, which is much like a personality test. In order to pass the test time is your greatest challenge and you need a lot of practice until you are good. After registering for the exams, start reading smart and do a lot of practices that can be found on the exam study guide. Every bit of the section has some allocated time which you should beat. If you want to pass this one, start doing the exam practices early enough. Investing in an exam study guide will see you juggle through the 473 test without a struggle. The exam study guides that can be purchased online are very helpful. They help in putting up an easier way of memorizing the codes of the streets. The guides also give you sample tests and the allocated time. Through it, you learn about the scoring marks and more tips on doing the exams. The guide also teaches on the exam regularities. For instance, doing guess work is penalized and the electronic answer sheet has to be filled in a certain order. Keep in mind that the 473 exam is very competitive and one mark above the 70% pass mark will put you in a better position than one with a lesser point. Remember, do not be tempted by quacks that promise to give you high test scores. They will just enjoy your hard-earned money at the expense of you failing the exam. Passing the exam will depend on your effort while studying for the exam. No one has the actual 473 test before hand so do not fall for that rip off.
What to do before the Exams
Relax and have a good night sleep Eat a balanced diet Meditate or find ways or keeping at bay the tension that comes with taking a test Read the rules and procedures of the postal exam so that you do not fall under what is termed as exam malpractice