Don’t Give A Wrong Answer In The Postal Test - Leave A Blank Space Instead
Date: April 7th, 2016
How To Answer The Postal Test Questions Just Right
What you score in the postal test matters a lot. That is why you need to know how the tests are marked to devise ways on how to evade losing marks. You will be penalized for all the wrong answers. That is why it is better for you to leave a space on the answer sheet blank, than fill in wrong information. It is important that you know how scores in the different sections in the postal exam are calculated.
Here is how to answer just right:
Part A: Address checking
Here, the score is arrived at as follows: The number of questions you answer correctly less a third of the question you answer wrongly. Do not take the third rule for granted because even one mark matters a lot in this test. It may prevent you from getting that postal job you have always wanted. The secret here is to answer questions fast enough but accurately.
Part B: Form completion
For this section, there is no penalty. Your score is simply the number of questions you answer correctly. You are allowed to guess. Therefore, be accurate, fast and answer as many questions as you can. You might guess correctly, you never know.
Part C: Coding and memory
The score under this section is calculated the same way as that of Part A where, a third of the questions you answer wrongly is subtracted from the number of those you answer correctly. Therefore, avoid guesswork if you are not sure. Accuracy is key in this section and so is speed.
Part D: Inventory of personal experience and characteristics
Any information about who you are and your professionalism is something that is hard to find a score for. Therefore, what the postal service officials do is to gauge your personal description against that of others. This comparison helps them know who is fit for which type of postal service job. In this section, be keen and honest. This will help you land the right job, which depends on the description that you provide. You do not want to be employed as a postal carrier when you know you are good at being a postal clerk.
Why leave blank spaces?
• It helps avoid losing marks unnecessarily • Improves your chances of passing the postal test • It guards against unwarranted guess work • It saves time as you will not force yourself to waste time thinking about something you have no idea about • It helps measure your honesty • It shows your confidence in the answers you give Ensure that when taking the postal exam 473, you keep in mind the sections that allow you to guess and those that do not. Do not risk losing your marks when you know you are giving an answer that could be wrong. Only take guesses for sections that allow you to. Ensure your speed is good and give accurate answers. With the above information in mind you are more than ready to take that postal test you have prepared for.