What are the benefits of using a postal exam study guide?
Date: February 1st, 2022
What are the benefits of using a postal exam study guide?
Working for the United States Postal Service is one of the most critical things many employees aim for. After all, they give several benefits that appeal to most individuals. But, whatever the reason, benefits or the large salaries, jobs at the USPS have become very competitive as many people want to be employed.
However, to land a job within the Postal Service, you must first highly pass your postal exams depending on the position you apply for. Again, postal exams have a solid reputation for being one of the toughest exams to clear, especially for those who haven't prepare well for the test.
And statistics show that many people don’t score high in postal exams. But, that’s not doesn’t mean you can’t pass your exams. Yes, you can, especially if you have a guide on how the exam is being set.
This article discusses some of the benefits you stand to gain when you have a guide to follow while revising for postal exams. But first, let's find out more about the postal exam.
Understanding postal exams
Many Americans are competing for postal service jobs, so the United States Postal Service decided to have exams for various positions. These exams require one to fully understand the layout and roles and have experience handling specific application areas.
By definition, postal exams are the assessment given to candidates before they are hired for specific job positions. There are different examinations for different roles within the post office. With the various exams, the postal service aims to identify or test the ability of the candidates relating to the positions they're applying for.
Similarly, the exams are given to identify if the candidate has the required skills and experience to manage the various roles they will face during work times. Of course, there are different exams for multiple functions. Still, of all the exams, you must score very high marks before being considered eligible for a position.
There exist several non-career and career jobs within the postal service. But, to land your dream job, you must know what it takes to have it. Therefore, you should know the type of exam that accompanies your preferred position.
Here is the updated summary of all the postal exams for various job positions.
Postal exam:
• 474- A mandatory assessment for those who wish to become mail carriers
• 475- Assessment test for mail handling positions- mail processing clerks, mail handlers, and assistants.
• 476- A test for mail processing positions
• 477- This is a postal exam for those who wish to get the customer service clerk positions
Here is also what you need to know:
Of all the types of the exam by the postal exams, exist different sections that demand a better understanding of the layout and the content before you could sit for the exams. Besides, every exam has separate sections. Each unit has a different amount of questions.
Standard sections for most postal exams.
• Work situation part- this part may include the situation judgment related tests,
• Work register section- where you are expected to share your work experience and provide work-related details
• Descriptive section- here you tell your story
• Personal test section- this part demands that you describe your approach when evaluating various aspects related to work or the job position you’re applying for.
• Postal exam like 475 has error checking section- here is where you’re expected to analyze data tests.
To understand the exams mentioned above, you need adequate preparation to answer all the questions as required. And for that reason, among others, you need to have a guide to help you through your revision processes.
So, what is a postal examination guide?
A simple definition of a study guide would be information that directs and help you synthesize or summarize certain content in a more simplified way.
In other words, a guide is a piece of information that prepares you for something, in this case, the postal exams. When taking the USPS exam, you need adequate preparation. And this is where the examination guide comes in to ease your preparations.
It can be challenging for any candidate that follows an updated study guide to fail to achieve the postal exam pass mark. Because the guide helps you brush through everything, you're needed to tackle in the exam. And that include various tasks, concepts, time and all the requirement for a successful examination.
So, before discussing the importance of an exam study guide, what factors must you consider for a practical study guide?
Picking the study guide
Like selecting test procedures, you must ensure you have the right study guide related to the exam you are preparing for. Otherwise, you may fail because of revising and following the wrong guide.
Therefore, the study guide you choose:
Must be current- the postal exams are regularly updated to accommodate different concerns and situations. On the same, not all the concepts on the guide would be updated.
Should indicate memory and coding sections- these two areas are the core parts for most postal exams.
Provide tips for improvement- you can only know you're making progress if you can assess yourself. Therefore, the exam guide you select must have tests and answers that help you understand your progress and improvement every time you take attest.
Now, to why you need to have a study guide:
Here are some of the benefits of using an exam study guide
Getting ready for exams can prove a daunting task, especially when you don't have a direction to follow. But with an updated postal exam study guide, postal service candidates or applicants stand a chance of enjoying several benefits, including:
Like earlier discussed, the postal service exams have different exam sections and structures, which requires you to understand the various parts to answer the questions right. Having the up-to-date study guide would help reduce and eliminate elements of surprise that you may face when sitting for the exam for the first time without setting your eyes on any pre-test guide.
Since the guide has the actual exam structure, it would provide you with a comprehensive overview of what to expect. And you stand a chance to understand the time limit, the requirement for each section, get important information and instructions for every part. You’ll also be able to get the restrictions and the number of questions each exam you're to take has, plus the demands you're to achieve.
b) Self-assessment
Self-assessment is vital for exam preparation, and a postal exam study guide comes in handy in ensuring candidates' improved performance. For instance, there are questions and answers for every examination guide you take. So by answering questions without checking for the responses, you'll be able to;
Access your understanding and your knowledge level- most assessment techniques would only measure your ability to regurgitate knowledge. But not how well you understand the topics or concepts. With self-assessment, you'll be to get insight into your proper comprehension.
Better still, you’ll have the advantage of identifying gaps in your knowledge of the exam you are to sit. Also, the guide would make you identify your strength and weakness concerning specific areas of the examination. Knowing your strongholds prevents you from wasting time on those areas you are perfect at and give more effort to what might fail you.
Likewise, you’ll be able to test and identify if your speed is within the requirement of the actual examination or whether you need to put more effort into your pace. This will ensure that you submit a complete answer sheet that guarantees you some success level.
c) Improve performance
Having a postal exam study guide boosts your chances of performance. How? If you have not prepared for any postal exam, it means you have no idea of what the exam entails. In fact, you'll be “green" without any detail of what is set, how the exam is structured, or how you're expected to handle every question.
But, here is the good news! Postal examination study guides come in handy with some practice tests item that resembles what you expect in your future examination. The practice tests are majorly meant to stimulate and provide a view of what you're going to cover during the actual exam. Practicing the questions on the study guide several times eases your pressure and test anxiety of not knowing what to expect in the examinations.
Put differently, using a study guide makes you prepared. Being prepared boosts your confidence and makes you less tense to face the exam. Therefore, you need to have a guide that you can always refer to whenever you want. Plus, it would allow you to remind yourself of any concept or information you might have forgotten and seek clarification on ideas before the actual exam.
Landing a job with the postal service demands that you sit for an exam relating to your dream job position. And to be termed eligible, you must be outstanding. That means you must score higher marks than all other candidates for the same position.
But, your exam performance would greatly depend on how well you are prepared you are. Therefore to stand out, you must develop and use the updated postal exam study guide. The study guide would ensure you're familiar with the exam settings and sections and organize your information to suit the demands or the requirement of the examination. It would also boost your assessment efforts hence improve your performance.