The postal exam is an online assessment test used by the U.S postal services to test applicants' aptitude for performing required tasks at various positions in the organization. After scrapping off exam 473 in 2019, USPS introduced four other new exams to vet candidates.

Whether it is for a job or school, taking an exam is undoubtedly one of the most nerve-cracking experiences dreaded by everyone. It can prove to be daunting and stressful at the same time.

At times it is the pressure of the exams that makes us forget the little details we have revised. However, most of the time, it is the lack of proper strategies and poor preparation that prevent us from passing the exams.

Fortunately, no exam is unconquered. Throughout this post, we will outline some of the most effective revision strategies for USPS exams to help you ace the tests and boost your chances of getting a job at the postal services.

Let’s jump into these strategies.

  • Learn the format of the tests

 One of the most relevant and applicable revision strategies for USPS exams is to learn and get familiar with the format of the tests. Doing this will offer you more ideas of what to expect when you sit for the exams.

You will get to know the number of questions contained therein, how they are formatted, and the area of skills and knowledge being tested that you need to focus your revisions on.

Listed below are a few things you need to know about USPS exams.

  • There are four types of exams depending on the post you want to apply for.
  • Each exam consists of four sections, with each category having a varied number of questions to be completed within a specified time.
  • The section on personal inventory is always offered online, while others might be taken either at a specified facility or online depending on the convenience and flexibility it will have on the examiners and candidates for the job.
  • The exam window is 72 hours from the moment of notification from the postal services. It, therefore, means that applicants have below that time to prepare and sit for the exam of their preferred job post.

An example format of postal exam mail handlers 475 is as below,

  • Work scenarios or a situational judgment test section, which contains nine questions approximated to 11 minutes.
  • Verifying information test or check errors section, containing 12 questions divided into four rows with three questions each
  • Tell us your story section having 22 questions to be completed within 3 minutes.
  • Describe your approach, also called a personality test has 79 questions to be done within 8 minutes.

You should take note that once you click ‘next' on the page for each question, there is no going back. So, take your time and read the instructions and questions carefully and avoid rushing your answers.

  • Leverage the study guide

Understanding the format and details expected in the tests is an integral part of passing the exams. However, you also need to take some time to study for the assessment.

Take your time in the libraries, burn the midnight oil doing research and reach out to those already serving and discuss their secrets of acing the tests.

Also, take advantage of the available study guides to help you brush up on the required skills you will be expected to know when sitting for the exams. These tasks may include completing forms correctly, taking the correct codes to assign to different addresses, and preparing reports.

  • Design a study plan

Like any other exams, you need to have an approach plan, meaning you need to have a schedule and a workable study plan. Obviously, you will have known that getting a job at USPS requires that you take and pass specific tests as provided by the U.S postal services.

Therefore, studying before the exams is a perfect thing to do to enhance your chances of acing the tests and getting the job. After you've known the exam format, spare some time before applying for your desired position and studying for the exams.

Image alt text: revision strategies for USPS exams.

Author credit: By KF - English Wikipedia., Public Domain,

Doing this could mean sparing a month or so and spending two or more hours a day before applying for the position. Because you have only 72 hours to take the test after receiving the notification from the postal services, it is wise not to wait until the eleventh hour to study.

  • Pay attention to details

One of the common sections across all four exams is the error checking test. Here, you will be provided with codes and addresses and required to find the error in the provided data.  There will be 60 error questions you are needed to take 11 minutes to complete, so in a nutshell, you have 11 seconds per question.

Any incorrect answer will be penalized in this section, so it is vital to pay attention to the tiniest details to avoid making mistakes and answer them as quickly as you can.

  • Get the importance of the personal inventory section

Generally, the test consists of four sections. And all feature a personal inventory test which must be assessed to vet if you have the right personality for the applied job. The personal inventory section is self-administered and can be done at the convenience of your chosen place online.

Passing this section is a must since if you do not pass it, you automatically fail the entire exam, and you may not receive an invitation to sit for the other exams.

The personal inventory section is challenging, and when it comes to the questions, there are no choices like "right or wrong" or "true or false" answers since it tests your personality and general life and work experiences.

When taking this section, it is advisable to take your time when reading the questions and answers to ensure you choose the most appropriate and fitting answers. There will be 236 questions divided into three sections that must be completed within 90 minutes.

  • Do not guess answers

When you are doing the exams and come across a question you are not sure of, the first instinct you will have is to guess the answer. Don't! Most of the sections in the exams penalize guessed and incorrect answers.

However, you will not be penalized for not giving an answer to a question and leave it blank. Simply put, you would instead leave blank spaces on the answer sheet than guessing to avoid penalties associated with it.

  • Aim past getting a higher pass score

The minimum score you are required to have to be considered a pass is 70. However, postal exams are very competitive since you are competing against other individuals for a job position.

So to be safe and sure of getting a call for the interviews, you need to score more than 70, maybe 85% and above. This is helpful because the priority for interviews is given to the persons with the highest score. Unless you feature among the highest scorers, you won't be among the invites.

If your results show ineligible status, it means you have not attained the 70% pass mark. In such a case, you will be required to retake the exams after one year.

Fortunately, there is a provision for improvement if you got 70 and above but want to boost your chances of getting an invitation for an interview. However, you will have to wait for two years to give it another shot.


 Taking job exams such as the USPS assessments tests can be a daunting and stressful task, coupled with inadequate preparations and lack of practical strategies. You are bound to fail from the word go.

Suppose you are looking forward to getting a job with USPS. In that case, you need to stick to these revision strategies for USPS exams, familiarize yourself with the test format, design a workable study plan, and leverage available study guides to boost your chances of passing the exam.

Additionally, know the importance personality test section and avoid guesswork when giving answers; instead, leave the question blank if you don't know anything about it. Finally, pay attention to detail and aim past getting the 70 marks scored to be sure of receiving an invitation to interview.

Good luck!