How To Get Hired Quickly For A USPS Service Job
Date: February 2nd, 2016
A Few Things To Help You Get A USPS Service Job Fast
Every year, many Americans are applying for the USPS service jobs and preparation in advance should be an advantage to anyone who is serious about being hired for any of the Postal Service jobs. In this article, we will be taking you through some points that can help one be hired quickly in the service.
Some points to earn you a head start are:
Get a placement orientation assistant
They are people who are already in the service and can help candidates who are interested in joining the service to secure jobs with the USPS. These people will come in handily to orient you with the requirements of the postal exam.
Take the initiative and call the placement assistants
They will advise on the job openings near you. They can help with any other information that is not clear to you that they may have with them. The assistants are available on call every Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 9.00pm. Making use of them will definitely earn you an advantage when it comes to hiring in the USPS since you will be up-to-date with information about the USPS.
Doing as many aptitude tests and memory joggers as possible
To gain momentum as you prepare to do the Test 473, train your brain to think fast. It is a step that will get you ready for the Postal Battery 473. Remember, only a minimum score of 70% is taken. The higher your score, the greater your chances at being called for an interview.
Try learning as many routes as possible around the neighborhood you hope to work in
This will definitely be a plus for you since the more conversant you are with the routes, the easier it is for you to remember them. Your memory may let you down in instances of cramming but not when you clearly understand the routes.
Attempt all questions you are sure to get correct. Do not attempt a question you are definitely sure you are wrong
One is penalized for wrong questions but not the blank questions. The best avenue around this one is to attempt all those questions you are sure to get correct then leave blanks spaces when not sure about the answers.
The employment forms should be completed fully and all the information required should be filled in properly
After the coding and memory part of the test, one will be required to fill up the employment forms. Duly filled up forms will get you hired very fast as this will show that you have interest in the job. Always remember, delays do not give someone a very good image in the eyes of the employer.
Build your character and reputation
Make sure you are a person of integrity and in the right standing with the law. The best asset an employee has especially with the Postal Service of the United States is his reputation. The people with integrity and soberness of character ultimately stand a higher chance of being hired than the ones who have doubtable character. The few points listed above should help you place yourself in a place of advantage and get hired quickly in the Postal service.