Postal Exam Review Blog Page : 80


Date:   March 2nd, 2018

Winter mode is on and most Americans are paying a bit more attention to keeping warm. Mail carriers who have to spend most of their time outside need to be extra careful when it comes to keeping warm. Here we have listed some winter safety tips that can help mail carriers who have to deliver mails during the frigid winter season.

Date:   February 27th, 2018

Do you have a fantasy career in mind? Don't know how to get hired for your ideal job? Here we will share some tips that can help you to get hired for your dream job. From fine-tuning your resume to networking effectively, the tips that are mentioned here will help you hired quickly.


Date:   February 23rd, 2018

Are you an ambitious person? Do you see yourself working as a manager leading a team towards success? If so, you should stop dreaming and chart your career trajectory. Career advancement is much about action than waiting for things to happen.

Date:   February 20th, 2018

Posting mail is one of the oldest ways to transport messages and goods. And the method is not likely to become obsolete despite the advancement of electronic technologies. There are certain things that are best communicated through mail. Electronic mail, despite its popularity, will not completely replace postal mail.

Date:   February 16th, 2018

Around 2.3 million workers work in the US as federal civilian employees, according to the Office of Personnel Management. About a quarter of these employees are nearing the retirement age. This means that a lot of federal government jobs will be created in the coming years.
Postal Exam Review