Postal Exam Review Blog Page : 101


Date:   April 21st, 2016

The Types Of Technology Jobs Available At The USPS

Different fields of life are changing, thanks to technological advances. Technology has changed how things are run including sectors such as: health, sports, and education not forgetting the postal service industry.


Date:   April 19th, 2016

The Biggest Challenge Facing Postal Carriers

You should take some dog skills for postal jobs as a carrier

Dogs … at least they are better than cats since they are loyal, friendly and they hug their owners. But if you are a postal carrier, well, you will come to learn that dogs have a different side to them too, and one of them is that they do not recognize mail men. Not at all. It is not quite worrying when you hear reports of dogs attacking postal carriers as they execute their duties.


Date:   April 17th, 2016

Things You Should Avoid When Preparing For The Postal Exam

The benefits that come with postal jobs can be very tempting that you get carried away while studying for the Exam 473. But you can never be really ready until you have sat for it and passed it. Like every other job in the market, there are things you have to know and one of them is that you are going to have to prove that you are a good fit for it. While it is true that passing the postal exam 473 is paramount for the postal office employment, it is also true only the very well prepared pass this test. Many failures have been attributed to certain matters that have a bearing on how one studies for this exam.



Date:   April 15th, 2016

How I Increase My Chances Of Passing The Postal Test

For anyone to succeed in whatever kind of test he or she is taking, including the postal test, improved memory is very important, the ability to recall things. If you have had a hard time memorizing information, there are many ways in which you can improve your memory power.


Date:   April 13th, 2016

Here Are A Few Reasons Why You’ll Never Regret Working For The USPS

Having a good career that you can remember without any harsh feelings is a good thing in one’s life. Having retired from the post office employment, some retirees have had very good reviews about postal office jobs and the kind of impact they have had in their lives. Additionally, they have left their experiences as postal technicians, postal carriers and postal clerks.


Postal Exam Review